Shipping Policy
International Orders
Rates may vary depending on the location, weight of items ordered, and the delivery address.
International orders/shipments may be subject to Customs fees or taxes charged by the country in which your order is delivered. We have seen these fees range from 0% – 50%.
Union is not responsible for paying fees charged by Customs or the rate charged by Customs. It is the customer’s responsibility to pay the Customs fee.If you refuse to accept your package at Customs due to high Customs fees, we are not responsible for refunding that order or reshipping the order via another carrier. The package will be abandoned at Customs. If you want a refund on your order of Organic Herbal Extracts, you are responsible for paying the customs fee to ship the package back to us. As such, once the package is received back to our warehouse, you will be credited for the cost of your order minus the original shipping charge and minus the customs charge to send the package back to us.
International orders/shipments may be subject to possible opening of and inspection of goods by Customs officials in the country of delivery. Union is not responsible for orders that are held up at Customs, damaged by Customs, or refused entrance by Customs due to this process.
Union is not responsible for reshipping orders that are refused at Customs. If Customs refuses a package, sends it back to us, and we receive it back from Customs, we can issue you a refund for the order ***In the event the package is not returned to us by Customs or is lost in transit, we cannot issue you a refund. *** We are not responsible for paying for the package to be returned to us or for reimbursing the customer for that cost.